
If you’re charging $300 - $600 for shoot-and-burn*

If you’re charging $300 - $600 for shoot-and-burn*

Learn how to make 4 figures on portrait sessions by adding prints and heirlooms to your packages and finally hit 6-figures in your business…

Even if you’ve never made a gallery sale, barely paid yourself 4-figures last year, get pushback on your current (way-too-low) prices, and live in a “saturated market”.

Hey, photographer!

Apply now!

*client books, you shoot the session, send off the gallery, and call it a day

you’re missing out on a TON of income.

you’re missing out on a TON of income.

Watch this 10-min video

Here's a quick video about our program!

“This weekend, I had a client book my New Baby Membership ($2500 sale) in the new process and paid upfront for the whole thing! I was a little skeptical but trusted Christa and the process she laid out, and guys, it works!”

- Erin

"I was a little skeptical but trusted Christa and the process she laid out, and guys, it works!"

Hi friend! I see you over there working really hard in your business.

You clearly LOVE what you do!

Your clients are amazing, you get to use your creativity on the daily, and you’re really great at what you do.

But you’re burnt out.

And not burnt out in the way that a bubble bath can fix. I mean, really, truly capital-B, capital-O Burnt Out! Some days you’re struggling so hard and wondering if you should just give up.

It’s leaving you SO frustrated, and you’re sick of giving up time with your family for a $300 - $600 session that leaves you completely exhausted and barely makes a difference to your bank account.

On top of being Burnt Out and frustrated with your 3-figure session rates, you…

On top of being Burnt Out and frustrated with your 3-figure session rates, you…

now, tell me if this also sounds familiar.


Have priced yourself based on what everyone else is doing — if others in your area are only charging that much, there’s no way you can charge more, right?? (pssst… wrong!)


Run around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to get all your sessions in, edit hundreds of photos, stay on top of your inbox, secure deposits and contracts, and stay active on social media!


Did a little math to figure out how many weddings you need to book to hit your financial goals — and the number hit you like a ton of bricks! Your jaw dropped open, your heart sank, and you thought “there’s no way I can survive working that many weddings.”


Really don’t want to take on weddings, but believe it’s what you have to do in order to be successful. They do come with a decent price tag, after all…


Make big business decisions by spending your time Googling, looking at what other photographers are doing, and guessing... then crossing your fingers and hoping that it works!


Feel stuck on what to do next because you already get pushback on your current prices — how on earth could you charge more, right??


Raise your prices at random, but aren’t confident about it because you’re not adding any more value with each increase (and, if we’re being honest, it’s caused a few past clients to lose some trust in you)

Neck sore from nodding so much? 

No, I’m not a mind reader! I’ve been there, too!


You can have a profitable, 6-figure business

So take a nice big sip of your iced coffee and spend a minute dreaming big with me here:

just by doing portrait sessions.

Imagine going from your $300 - $600 session rate to $2500, $3000, or even $4800 per portrait session! Finally seeing the numbers in your business bank account going up and up every time you open your banking app, even though you’re working half as hard as you did before.

Imagine feeling confident enough to talk your clients through a $1500 - $4000 portrait session sale and doing your job so dang well that you get zero pushback on the price. Heck, imagine seeing your clients BEAMING at spending that kind of money with you!!

Imagine spending weekends with your family instead of doing back-to-back (to back) portrait sessions… sleeping in, spending quality time chatting over coffee, making delicious brunches, and really soaking in those precious moments that you used to have to miss out on.

Imagine serving and supporting your clients so well that they thank you endlessly and return for your services over and over again with every milestone in their family. 

Imagine getting messages from new inquiries saying, “my best friend told me I HAD to use you for our family portraits” or “when I asked for a photographer recommendation in *local Facebook group*, you were tagged like a hundred times!”

Profitable, Fun, Exciting & Full of Ease


Or, really… just imagine having absolutely no cap on the amount of money you can make and finally having your business feel the way that it should…

Start making 4-figure portrait sales even if you’ve never made a gallery sale, barely paid yourself 4-figures last year, get pushback on your current (way-too-low) prices, and live in a “saturated market”.

The Uncapped Portrait Photographer


"Just made over $2k from a *mini session* day!"

“This was a game changer for my business! Just made over $2k from a *mini session* day! Had a full portrait session totaling $1000 after just two weeks in the course! I was considering giving up portrait sessions next year.. until I took The Uncapped Portrait I'm considering giving up weddings after seeing how profitable portrait sessions truly can be!”


I’m a portrait photographer from South Carolina, and I’ve been in the industry for 9 years. Trust me when I say I totally understand how hard you’re working right now.

It’s also why I understand the way you’re feeling about your business:

Burnt out, frustrated, and wondering when it will be your turn to have that dreamy business that other photographers seem to have. So far, it’s a liiiitle more ‘nightmare’ than ‘sweet dreams’, isn’t it?

I used to be there!

Then, after YEARS of trial and error, I developed a proven sales system that allows me to average 4-figures on every portrait session I do…

Which allows me to show up fully for every single one of my clients and support them on every step of their journey with me!

Not only did I start making 4-figures on every session I booked, I also really started to LOVE my business. It was finally the business that I had dreamt of… and let me tell you, it’s honestly even better than what I dreamt. I now make over $250,000 shooting portraits every year, and there’s not a bit of burnout in sight.

I ALSO teach other photographers how to uncap their portrait sales so that they can make 4-figures with every booking, stop being burnt out, and finally start LOVING their business the way they want to.

If that sounds like the kind of business you’re after, then I’m so glad you’ve made your way here!

This is going to be SO great!!

Hey y’all, I’m Christa! 

I’m making some big promises, and you’re probably wondering who I am!

"I’m making hundreds, if not thousands more on these portraits alone and couldn’t be happier."



I’m excited to see how much more profitable I am this year. I only wish I had the push to make these changes sooner!

“I can’t say enough how helpful the Uncapped Portrait Photographer was for me… I was so burnt out by shoot and burn and leaving so much money on the table by not selling products. I only wish I had the push to make these changes sooner! The new process is working out really well for me so far and I’m excited to see how much more profitable I am this year in comparison to years prior.”


Exceeded the revenue she made last year in just the first 5 months of this year... shooting less and making an average 3x more per session with sales up to $3k!


that have made the leap and uncapped their portrait sessions!

Upon beginning my coaching journey with Christa, I immediately began making changes with my heirloom portrait sessions. I was honestly shocked that was such a huge success so quickly! Everyone continued to book, and they were happy I was there every step of the way. They’ve loved the framing options but more so seem to love that I do it all for them. Now, nearly everyone who reaches out for an heirloom session books immediately, and they go on to spend an extra $350-$700 per child on their framed portraits. I’m making hundreds, if not thousands more on these portraits alone and couldn’t be happier with the true heirloom pieces I am providing for these families! 

Doubled her average per session and cut the amount of time she shoots and edits each week in half!

"I now give my clients a luxury experience... and they're loving the experience so much more too."

"Christa is very driven, which in turn makes you want to be driven too. She is always encouraging. She tells you exactly how it is and how to get to the end result."

"To the photographer that is... feeling like you’re ready to throw in the towel cause you’re not making the money you want and you’re working too much. You should invest in the Uncapped program! It has really changed my life and my business."

Payton is a new mom who wanted more flexibility

She was tired of not making enough money, and now has a $3k+ average on portrait sessions! Her first sale after our program was $3300!

Michelle, Mom of 3 & Photographer for 15 years

"I was charging $300 for portraits and giving them everything. [With Uncapped] I just made a $1500 sale... and my largest sale has been $2700." 

“I feel like I have wasted so much time not knowing this information. Had I bee able to implement all the things that Christa taught in this Uncapped program, I would’ve made so much more money, had I started sooner.”

“10 outta 10 recommend this to any photographer starting out, or having been in the business for a long time.”

“If you’re on the fence about joining Christa’s Uncapped program, just do it. I promise it will be worth the investment.”

Jessie increased her portrait average by 5x and Increased her wedding average, too!

Went from charging $350 per session to making $2180 from one session!

"I am thriving in my business now and I am so glad that I took this leap to revamp my photography."

"I have been blown away by how much people actually want to pay for photos. I have had higher sales now than I ever have before and I am interacting more with my clients."

"Christa is a breath of fresh air and amazing at what she does. She is always ready to help with whatever question you have."

"I could kick myself for not doing this program sooner!"

Abigail Was going full time and wanted higher income

"I am on a huge upward trajectory. I have new vigour and motivation and excitement about my business that I haven't had before!"

"The increased touchpoint and connection with my clients has been huge, which I think will also really help with retention."

"It's helped cast a vision for not letting photos die a digital death."

The Uncapped Portrait Photographer ISN’T A Course.

Receiving individualized coaching support and having your questions answered daily while you’re implementing your new materials and making changes in your business is what’s going to help you achieve REAL success. It’s THE game-changer you’ve been missing!

(It’s also why all those courses you’ve bought didn’t really do anything for your business!! You didn’t get support from a coach!)


This is a group coaching program with weekly live group coaching calls and daily coaching support via Slack.

Here’s everything you get when you join The Uncapped Portrait Photographer:

Here’s everything you get when you join The Uncapped Portrait Photographer:



Weekly group coaching calls – twice a month, we meet live on Zoom so you can get your questions answered, move through what’s keeping you stuck (no more stalling or quitting!), breakthrough your mindset blocks, be held accountable to your goals, and learn from the questions and struggles of the community.


Daily coaching support (Monday - Thursday) via Slack – I’m in our Slack channel to support you when you’re nervous about your upcoming call, wondering how to answer a tricky question in an email, or just having one of those blah business days! Whatever comes up, I (and our incredible community) will be there to guide you through it. 


The Uncapped Photographer program – 8 jam-packed, fluff-free modules that take you step-by-step through everything you need to implement this new business model. (Full breakdown below!)


Scripts, templates, resources, oh my! okay, so I can’t put every single resource here because we’d be here forever! Let’s just say…. If you need it to be successful, you get it! Non-salesy sales call scripts, email templates, studio menu templates, inquiry trackers, reveal session prep checklist, and a partridge in a pear tree more! Really don’t want to take on weddings, but believe it’s what you have to do in order to be successful. They do come with a decent price tag, after all…


THE BEST community – on this journey, you’ll be working alongside the most incredible community of other photographers who are dreaming just as big as you are. You’ll cheer each other on, celebrate your wins, ask each other questions, and potentially even find some lifelong biz besties.

We kick things off with NUMBERS and take a good look at your costs vs profits. Profitability needs to come first if you want to stop burning out and build your business for the long term! In this module, I’ll also show you…

  • my exact product list (so you can steal it if you want to!) and where to get the best deals on your orders
  • where to order samples from that will save you a good chunk of money
  • how to order your products and get it right the first time
  • everything you need to know about custom framing
  • PLUS: you get my exact studio menu in a template that you can put your logo onto.

Not only are you coming out of this module with confidence that your business is now profitable as heck, but you can hit the ground running with your new offers right away! That’s a win-win in my books.

If you think this is a one-size-fits-all setup, you’re about to have your mind blown! I have tried and tested numerous session pricing structures and strategies, and in this module, I show you all the ones that work. 

Then? YOU get to choose the method that feels right for you! 

Looking for the full program breakdown?

Products & Pricing

Session Pricing Structures

module one

module two

This is one of the most crucial aspects of the process! On top of the lessons inside the module, you also get to watch me take my real clients through a design consultation session.

You’ll know exactly how to prepare for your design consultation session, what to touch on with your clients, how to showcase your products, and more! This will ensure you’re going into these meetings with steadfast confidence. 

The Design Consultation


Your first touchpoint with your potential new client is super important – you want to explain the magic that you bring, but you don’t want to confuse them. Not to worry! I show you exactly how to lead every potential new client through the process so that they come out on the other side excited and asking how to book you.

You’ll get:
  • an exact script to follow that DOESN’T feel salesy. I’m not about that hard-selling life, and I’m guessing you aren’t either!
  • a follow-up email script that will help guide your clients through the next steps of your process (showing how much of a professional you are, and continuing to build up trust.)
  • my tracking system so that you don’t drop the ball or lose any of your leads – we don’t want to leave anyone hanging!

The Inquiry Call



You get instant, lifetime access to 8 (and counting!) jam-packed, fluff-free modules:

You’re an established photographer – I’m not here to teach you the basics. Instead, we focus on exactly what you can do during your session to ensure it runs smoothly (yep, even newborn sessions with multiple kids!), tips and tricks that will help you serve your clients better, and how to shoot specifically for print, and how to get the shots that your clients will be obsessed with!

THE most important part of your work with your clients is the reveal session, so I leave no stone unturned here. This is where you’ll show your clients their photos, walk them through which portraits they should buy, and close the sale.

After this module, you’ll know how to:
  • deliver your client’s images with a bang (not a fizzle… like sending over a huge gallery and calling it a day!)
  • prep for the session – using my tried and true checklist – so you don’t miss a beat
  • use the design software to design the prints, and help your clients choose their wall art without any hiccups 

And to wrap it all up, you receive my sales script for closing 4-figure sales (again, without being salesy!) as well as scripts that will help you handle any objections that your clients may have.

Photographing the Session

The Reveal Session

module five

module six

Mini sessions are an amazing way to bring in new clients and show them the value you offer – but when done wrong, they end up costing you money instead of being profitable! 

In the mini-sessions module, you’ll get my system for running an effective mini-session day, INCLUDING having all orders finalized at the end of the day. You’ll never look at these days the same way ever again.

Mini Sessions

module eight

Marketing isn’t a 4-letter word! Dare I say that you will even LIKE marketing your business after this module! You’ll walk away knowing exactly how to…
  • reach out to past clients and tell them about your new business model (without the ick)
  • handle current clients that you already have booked (so you don’t leave any money on the table)
  • attract the right kind of clientele in the future that values your services
  • PLUS: my biggest trick for booking your calendar solid even in a “saturated market”

Marketing & Systems

module seven

Not everyone wants to stop shooting weddings! I get that! This module will show you exactly how to take what you’ve learned and implement it specifically for weddings. This will majorly help you increase your profitability and make working weddings SO worth it.



go at your own pace modules

follow a proven roadmap

connect in our online slack group


Are you ready to learn how to uncap your portrait sessions and make consistent 4-figure sales?

Click the button below to fill out your application. Don’t worry, it’s nothing crazy, I just want to make sure this is the right next step for you!


If The Uncapped Portrait Photographer is the right next step, I’ll follow up with an email that has the next steps and payment options.


Once you’re all signed up, it’s time to dive in and learn how to uncap your portraits!







In all my time teaching photographers how to uncap their portraits, there are 3 big things that hold them back from getting started.

If you’re still reading, I’m guessing one of them is holding you back, too.

"I live in a saturated market"


This is actually amazing news!! That means there’s a demand for your services, and you have an incredible opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

You won’t be ‘fighting’ for the same clients as everyone else…. 

You’re going to capture the attention of the clients that value your time and skills and are willing to pay for it.


I didn’t have a studio for a really long time, either! Which is great news for you because I have tons of workarounds that will allow you to find success without a studio. 

The sooner you uncap your portrait sales, the sooner we can escalate your income to where you can afford a studio (if that’s one of your goals!)

"I don't have a studio"

"No one even buys from my galleries"

big thing #3:

If your process is like the dozens of photographers I’ve coached, it went something like this: 

Here’s your gallery! And here’s a link to my shop so you can buy what you want!


No wonder there were no sales… you didn’t have a sales process! Not to worry… you’ll have a proven one SO soon!

The longer you let these beliefs hold you back, the longer you’ll stay stuck and burnt out in a business that drains you...

Keep going on in your business as you are and cross your fingers that you’ll come across something on Google or Instagram that will actually help you… 


Apply for your spot in The Uncapped Portrait Photographer and get the proven roadmap to 4-figure portrait sales, an uncapped income opportunity, and the fun, profitable, exciting business you’ve always dreamed of.

Now you have two options: 

click here to apply

the choice is yours!!

Q: Won’t my past clients will judge me for my new process and pricing? I don’t want to stop working with them.

A: Nope! You’ll get a script that shows you exactly how to reveal your new process and pricing to your clients that will position it as a benefit for them (because it is)! If you find that anyone judges you for growing your business, well… do you really want to keep working with them?

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I want to keep shooting weddings. Is this for me?

A: Yes! Absolutely. In the bonus weddings module, I’ll show you exactly how to use this same system to increase your average booking rate for every wedding moving forward so you can increase your profits and provide a better service to your clients!!

Q: I don’t want to be a salesman. Will I have success with this?

A: I’m not a salesman, either. I don’t push anyone to commit to or buy anything that they don’t 100% want. All of the sales materials inside the program are non-salesy, non-sleazy, non-icky. Promise.

Q: How long until I make my investment back? 

A: This depends on how much work you put in! Some students make their investment back within ONE WEEK of joining, and many make theirs back within the first month. However, I don’t want you to just “make your investment back” – I want you to 5X or 10X your investment in the next year!


Students who have taken this course


Number of times I cried about that


student sales within weeks of joining


number of students' clients enjoying their heirlooms

You being so far down this page tells me that you know this is the case, too.

I know that taking a leap of faith in a new strategy in your business can feel so scary! Your business is an extension of you; it’s your heart and your sweat and your tears. So I understand if you’re wondering, “what if it fails?”

My friend…. What if you succeed? What if you achieve success beyond your wildest dreams?

If you want a big change in your business, a leap of faith is required!

And I wish I could make that leap for you… but I can’t.

What I can do is promise that I’ll be on the other side of your decision and hold your hand every step of the way to success.

Bring your fears. Bring your nerves. Bring your excitement.

And definitely bring your big, bold dreams because I know how to help you achieve them!

I’ve got the proven roadmap and everything you’ll need along the way.

It’s on the other side of the apply button.

So what do you say….


I can’t wait to support you on this journey!

click here to apply

Are you ready to uncap your income and finally have the business of your dreams?

My friend, what you’re doing in your business is not sustainable. It’s not going to work long-term.

shoot me an email

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your business is an important one! My goal isn’t to make this investment back, but to 5-10X it! Let’s make this the year everything changes.

Still on the fence?